Psychics who profit by pretending to communicate with your loved ones take in vast amounts of money each year, preying on people's desire for reassurance. There are those of us in the skeptic community who are doing our best to make their lives uncomfortable. The last thing they want is attention from us.
Like fictional vampires, they fear sunlight; they don’t want it to illuminate their methods. We document. We lay out a trap. We expose them as the Grief Vampires they are.

Thomas John
Psychic medium with two television shows (Seatbelt Psychic, and The Thomas John Experience)
Dr. Todd Grande (Licensed Professional Counselor of Mental Health)
Talking to the Dead or Searching Facebook? - Thomas John Case Analysis
Operation Pizza Roll - the first sting on Thomas John - Los Angeles event (February 2019)
Buckle Up - Seatbelt Psychic - this article explains the show - sitters are actors and more (February 2019)
New York Times Magazine article Inside the Secret Sting Operations to Expose Celebrity Psychics - by Jack Hitt (February 2019) Archived here
The Friendly Atheist Skeptics Set a Trap and a So-Called "Celebrity Medium" Fell for the Hoax - by Hemant Mehta (February 2019) - and follow-up An Inside Look at How the Guerrilla Skeptics Expose Famous "Psychic Mediums" - by Hemant Mehta
Lady Vera Parker aka Thomas John as a Scam Psychic - Feast of Fun: Gay Talk Show - interview with Susan Gerbic about Operation Pizza Roll
Holy Koolaid YouTube video on Operation Pizza Roll (February 2019) - also interviews with Mark Edward and Susan
Audio of the readings with Mark and Susanna Wilson
Of Course Psychics Are Reading Your Facebook Page - Jezebel by Frida Garza (February 2019)
Is Any Psychic a Speaker for the Dead? - Skeptical Science - by Dave (March 2019)
Skeptics' Sting Delivers High-Profile Hit to Psychic Credibility - by Ben Radford (May 2019 - subscribers only)
I'm Speechless! Thomas John reads KJBK Fox2 Derek Kevrea (June 2019)
Thomas John Revisited - by Susan Gerbic (June 2019) shows how the scientifically controlled blind reading TJ brags about was anything BUT a scientifically controlled blind reading. Also shows screenshots of TJ's actual computer screen showing Google searches for Obituaries, and of his inbox clearing showing that he uses intelius.com.
Three Parents Reveal the Truth about Psychic Thomas John Helping Parents Heal organization, Jenna Dewan, James Corden Show, Linda McCarthy, Beth West & Tracy Soussi (August 2019)
Thomas John and the Believers - Ken gets a reading and more stories from believers (October 2019)
Is Thomas John a real psychic? Not a ghost of a chance! - Skeptic Report by Claus Larsen
Incoming Las Vegas Strip headliner Thomas John faces the skeptics - Las Vegas Review-Journal by John Katsilometes (October 2019)
Thomas John ABC 7 Windy Predictions - analysis of readings given to a live Chicago studio audience - Big Al and more hot-reading - TJ's failed 2018 predictions (January 2020)
Operation Pizza Roll - Part II Caesars Cleopatra's Barge show - Vegas Guerilla Skeptics attend - more hot-reading, Cate Coffelt and Ticketmaster (February 2020)
What do I do with his Damn Book? - A Colorado attendee figures it out and is pissed - also evidence of the non-fame of TJ (April 2020)
The Thomas John Experience - Buckle Up, He's Back! - CBS All Access channel - just like Seatbelt Psychic except he sometimes gets out of the car - also YouTube views purchased (June 2020)
'The Thomas John Experience': Susan Gerbic's sting operation exposed John's use of social media in readings - Meaww by Anoushka Pinto
The Thomas John Experience - Review - more evidence of hot-reading & cameras everywhere & casting & IMDb reviews & ice hockey rink in Chicago (September 2020)
Right Turns Only! Circling Back to Seatbelt Psychic - Guerillas map out route with screen shots - more evidence of TJ's non-fame - evidence of audio editing - I interview someone who was in the backseat - we find "mortician" that was given a reading (December 2020)
What is "hot reading"?
A technique used when giving a psychic reading in a stage magic performance. The reader uses information about members of the audience, usually from previous background research such as social media posts. It can be used for entertainment. Grief Vampires use it to deceive and gain your trust.
What is your goal?
That just depends, are we doing our own pre-show? Are we writing an article, filming a video? It’s possible that we are attending with a reporter. We might want to just shake up the psychic. It is important to have a clear goal before you put it into action. Also important to report back on what you learned, the good and the bad so other activists can learn.
Zoom of a Thomas John event - watching hot-reading in real time (September 2020)
Blinking Kimberley Meredith at Zoom event with Thomas John (October 2020)
The Rise and Fall of a Celebrity Psychic - Mysterious Universe - Brent Swancer - allows Thomas John to respond to criticism by Susan Gerbic (October 2020)
Maria Verdeschi with Thomas John at Zoom event (November 2020)​
Suzane Northrop with Thomas John at Zoom event (January 2021)
Click Click Click Thomas John - Zoom event - Peeking example (February 2021)
Coming Soon - Thomas John's Spirit Circle for Children - this article is BEFORE Operation Onion Ring starts - mentions COVID "facts" - more hot-reading examples - bad Yelp reviews (April 2021)
Psychic Mediums and Grieving Children - Science-Based Medicine article by Dr. Steven Novella - says giving readings to children is harmful to their mental health and destroys trust (February 2021)
Operation Onion Ring - Thomas John and the Children - Detailed breakdown of the Sting with twists - caution: because of the harm to these children, this article may be difficult to read (June 2021)
The Skeptic Zone Podcast #663 - (June 20, 2021) - first interview about Operation Onion Ring - interviewed by Richard Saunders
"Psychic Medium" Thomas John Fell for a Trap Created by a Group of Skeptics - by Friendly Atheist - Hemant Mehta (July 2021)
Ross Stings Susan and Mark: Operation Onion Ring Edition - Oh No, Ross and Carrie podcast - Ross Blocher interviews Mark & Susan about the sting - includes audio from reading and Ross's eerie coincidence with TJ (October 2021)
Triangle Skeptics in the (Virtual) Pub - Operation Onion Ring, with Susan Gerbic - YouTube interview (April 2021)
Skeptical Help Bar - Ep. 50 - SHB w/Susan Gerbic - Kenny Biddle - casual interview about Operation Onion Ring and other stings (July 2021)
Operation Onion Ring - Or, How to Fool a Grief Vampire - by JD Sword talk for SkeptiCal conference
Commonwealth Club - Grief Vampire - Operation Onion Ring - YouTube interview with Susan Gerbic - various details about the sting (January 2022)
Just Refund Their Money, Thomas John! - Paypal, cash apps, Facebook groups organized by his clients to get refunds, constant rescheduling.
Some Psychics run Hot and Cold - Thomas John on the Lisa Wexler radio show doing hot and cold readings.
Why the odd titles?
Ridiculous names are easy to remember, easy to spell and when you say the name, people smile and ask questions. Also, local skeptics groups might want to pick them up in their own activism.

Stage psychic and reality show personality (Meet the Fraser's TV show) - best cold-reader Susan Gerbic has seen in person
Matt Fraser
Operation Peach Pit
How do you pick the targets?
That just depends on our goal. If we are trying to catch a hot-reader, then we are looking for someone that is strong on social media and hungry. Sometimes we pick the target because of their location or because one of the team is in that area. Other times we pick them because they are making egregious claims (more than normal). Other times they are brought to our attention.
All are fair game.
New York Times Magazine article Inside the Secret Sting Operations to Expose Celebrity Psychics - by Jack Hitt (February 2019) Archived here
Undercover at a Psychic Group Reading - CSI fellow Kenny Biddle attends Matt Fraser event (February 2019)
What's Wrong with the News Just Reporting the News? Matt Fraser on Morning TV - Fraser hot-reads NBC Connecticut Morning News host Shannon Miller and makes her cry (September 2019)
Matt Fraser LIVE! - Susan Gerbic, Mark Edward and Paula attend live event in Los Angeles and report back - report includes detailed readings and analysis (October 2019)
Skepticon cold-reading workshop - Melbourne, Australia - skeptics reenact dialog from Matt Fraser LIVE event (December 2019)
Good Day New York Fox 5 and Grief Vampire Matt Fraser - Fraser reads hosts Rosanna Scotto and Lori Stokes who then promote his readings (February 2020)
Ten Tricks of the Psychics I Bet You Didn’t Know - #6 is Matt Fraser's method for appearing to be pointing at the right person

Chip Coffey
TV psychic - Psychic Kids - Paranormal State - Kindred Spirits - Ghost hunter
Operation Bumblebee
Challenging Psychics is Deadly Serious Business - Insight - Skeptic - Tim Farley (October 2014)
Operation Bumblebee - The first sting ever done by the Guerilla Skeptics - in person events Los Angeles and San Jose, CA (February 2015)
Why not call out the psychic at the event?
Because our goal isn’t to convince or offend the audience. They have paid a bunch of money, some are really big fans. They don’t want to have someone tell them that everything they know is wrong. Besides if you are thrown out, you can’t be there to learn.

New Zealand Psychic who channels healers - supplement retailer - anti-vax - anti 5G - ran for NZ parliament - photographs orbs, calls them ghosts
Jeanette Wilson
The Skeptic Zone podcast #573 - NZ Skeptics contact venues Wilson is scheduled to give talks at in the hopes they will cancel her talk - Richard Saunders interviews Craig Shearer (October 2019) YouTube link to audio
Sceptics aim to shut down NZ tour by spiritual healer - Radio New Zealand - interview with Craig Shearer (October 2019)
Self-proclaimed healer responds to NZ sceptics' criticism - Radio New Zealand interviews Jeanette Wilson who tells reporter Lisa Owen she heals cancer and brain tumours - Jeanette says she doesn't understand why oncologists never contact her - she says she does not heal people, God does - complains about NZ skeptics (October 2019)
Spinoff investigation on Wilson's supplement sales including HFI sold by Enzacta that claims to prevent you from getting COVID-19 - (June 2020)
Psychic Jeanette Wilson's Spirit Photos ... or Misguided Assumptions? CSI Fellow Kenny Biddle breaks down Wilson's ghost orbs (June 2020)
Let's get sceptical: Tips from a professional doubter - Radio New Zealand (RNZ) - Nine to Noon (August 2020)
The 22-hour political career of psychic Jeanette Wilson - The Spinoff - Stewart Sowman-Lund (August 2020)
Grief Vampires - Wikipedia and More! - Skeptrack at DragonCon - Gerbic discusses Wilson starting at 14:58
How do you pay for these operations?
These do cost some money, if we are attending an event, we bring as many people as we can, and scatter them around the room to watch and record. In the past I usually have just paid out of pocket for everything, then ask for donations from Facebook friends. Now that About Time is involved, we can pull in more donations to use.

James Van Praagh & Tim Braun
Van Praagh - known for book "Talking to Heaven" had TV miniseries "Living with the Dead" - Braun is endorsed by Van Praagh as the real thing mainly does private online readings
Operation Ice Cream Cone
Operation Ice Cream Cone - Second sting by the Guerilla Skeptics - used fake Facebook pages - featured Heather Henderson proving she can act! (February 2015)

Tyler Henry
Tyler Henry is a television psychic with an increasingly large television presence. He relies on interviews with celebrities to increase his own audience on E! Network and Netflix
Operation Tater Tot
Grief Vampires Don't Come Out Only at Night - First article on Tyler Henry had not heard of him before (January 2016)
Operation Tater Tot: Following Up On A Grief Vampire - Follow-up as Tyler Henry's TV gains momentum (February 2016)
E! about to debut new show starring a psychic "grief vampire" - Why Evolution is True - Jerry Coyne (January 2016)
The rise of a new grief vampire - Respectful Insolence - David Gorski (January 2016)
Tip the Canoe of Tyler Too! - Analysis of Hollywood Medium show - Breakdown of comedian Margaret Cho, Ross Matthews, Julian Reed & Jodie Sweetin's readings (April 2016)
Return of the Grief Vampire Tyler Henry - Analysis of Season Two of Hollywood Medium show (September 2016)
Anatomy of a Reading - Tyler Henry reads fan Jamie Horn video posted on YouTube and we analyze (May 2017)
More details of Jamie Horn's reading can be found here. -
Eventually I'm going to piss off Tyler Henry - Tyler reads Cosmopolitan video producer Jason Ikeler (July 2016)
Is Tyler Henry Fake? famouspsychicmediums.com - by Angela (March 2017)
The One Where "Psychic" Tyler Henry Reads Alan Thicke - Analysis of Tyler predicting Thicke's death, showing he did not predict the death (September 2017)
I promise, it is the last time I will write about Tyler Henry. This year. Probably. Analysis of Tyler reading Matt Lauer proving Tyler isn't even a tiny bit psychic (December 2017)
17 Secrets Behind Hollywood Medium - Screen Rant - by Sydney Ghan (March 2018)
Nancy Grace Should be Ashamed of Herself! - detailed analysis of Tyler Henry reading media personality Nancy Grace (April 2018)
Tyler Henry Interview - The Eric Andre Show - we had nothing to do with this - it isn't for the weak of heart but it shows that Tyler isn't psychic and does not have good handlers otherwise he would NOT go on this show (November 2020)
Medium Tyler Henry Sees Dead People and We're Dying to Know What He's Up to Now - Distractify by Jennifer Tisdale - fluff article with Susan Gerbic mentioned (Feb 2022)
Netflix's Afterlife Show with Medium Tyler Henry is Dead on Arrival: The dead don't have much to say in Netflix's reality show about an alleged medium wunderkind - McGill Office for Science and Society - Jonathan Jarry (March 2022)
How can I help?
We are always looking for more help, usually these operations run for a set amount of time. You can help us find the next target, do research, infiltrate their community. Also you can help maintain our social media “friends” that need to appear real all year-long. location isn’t an issue. Just raise your hand and let me know what you want to do, we will keep you busy.

Other resources about grief vampires
Mark Edward punks Sylvia Browne and Montel Williams at the Gibson Amphitheatre, Los Angeles - a mic-drop experience (December 2009)
"Psychic" John Edward Protest Draws Police - Emery Emery, Heather Henderson, Mark Edward, Wendy Hughes, Susan Gerbic and more protest John Edward at the Pasadena Convention Center - always have your ACLU pamphlet with you! (January 2015)
Ten Tricks of the Psychics I Bet You Didn’t Know (You Won’t Believe #6!) - shout-outs to; Tyler Henry, Chip Coffey, Rosemary Althea, Mark Edward, Theresa Caputo, Lamar Keene, Matt Fraser is #6, Jamie Horn, Blair Robertson (March 2018)
Grief Vampires - Wikipedia and more - Gold Coast Skeptics - in person talk by Susan Gerbic in Gold Coast, Australia (December 2019)
Episode of the Oh No Ross and Carrie podcast: Psychic Blues Edition with Mark Edward & Susan Gerbic (September 2019)
They Oddly Did Not See This Coming - screenshots proving that no psychic predicted Covid-19 pandemic - shout-outs to; Jeanette Wilson, Sylvia Browne, James Van Praagh, Tim Braun, Thomas John, Chip Coffey, Deb Webber, John Edward, Kelvin Cruickshank, Rebecca Rosen, Sue Nicholson, Theresa Caputo, Susan Allen & Tyler Henry (June 2020)
Grief Vampires - An Update - Wikipedia page view stats showing fame of various psychics (August 2020)
There is NO WAY the Psychic Could Have known! - All the ways the psychic can hot-read you as well as some cold-reading and other ways it seems they know about you (August 2020)
The Psychic Vampires - Pretend podcast - interview with Susan Gerbic by Javier Leiva
'SF Weekly' 'Helps' Readers Tell Real From Fake Psychics - Center for Inquiry - A Skeptic Reads the Newspaper - by Ben Radford (October 2020)
How do mediums speak to the dead? (The Medium) Hey Lesson podcast (January 2021)
Abysmal Failure: A Skeptical Psychic Medium Attempts to Read Susan Gerbic - Susan gets a psychic reading during a Facebook live recording by a "genuine psychic" we called "Ray" and it was horrible. Great insight by those that watched it happen live - plus correspondence with "Ray" and why she failed (September 2020)
Message for "psychic" James Higgins - "A woman in Spirit is trying to get ahold of you - hurry book now!" about a strange encounter with a James Higgins Facebook psychic group (February 2021)
Vigilante Sting Exposing Fake Psychics - NSAEN.com by Jane Hill
Four-part account by skeptic Alistair A. McLauchlan who attended four mediumship events in Scotland: Part 1 Mediums Karen Docherty & David Francis, Part 2 Medium Andrew Lindsay, Part 3 Medium Lisa Williams, Part 4 Medium Gordon Smith (February 2021)
Special Susan Gerbic for Para Normal Podcast - free-flowing interview with Susan Gerbic by a Philippine Paranormal believers group - many questions and discussions not usually covered by skeptic interviews
False Claims Made by Famous Mediums that Caused an Uproar - Grunge.com - by Mina Elwell - mentions Susan Gerbic and Thomas John (September 2021)
In Good Spirits - New York Times article by Irina Aleksander about celebrity psychic Carissa Schumacher - Susan Gerbic interviewed for article "it is NOT possible to communicate with dead people. They are dead."
Out of The Blank #1027 - podcast/YouTube interview with Susan Gerbic - various discussions about psychic mediums (February 2022)
How Psychic Readings Work - Skeptoid Podcast by Brian Dunning - mentioned Susan Gerbic & Thomas John (March 2022) -
An Interview with Susan Gerbic - Anticipating CSICon 2022 - Interview by Rob Palmer for the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry - psychics and more (August 2022)
Sylvia Browne Protest - 2012 - Las Vegas - written by Susan Gerbic - December 12, 2022 - excerpt from upcoming book Grief Vampires - chapter examines the 2012 Sylvia Browne protest held during TAM - led by Mark Edward and Ben Radford.

What's the harm in believing in psychics?
Belief in Psychics: What’s the Harm and Who’s to Blame? - Article by Rob Palmer (April 9, 2019)
Belief in Psychics, What's the Harm? - A presentation by Rob Palmer for Triangle Skeptics in the Virtual Pub (Mar 6, 2022)
Creencia en videntes: ¿Cuál es el peligro y a quién hay que culpar? - Spanish language article by Rob Palmer (April 19, 2019)
Introducing Psychic-Busting Private Eye Bob Nygaard (Part 2) - Article by Rob Palmer (August 22, 2018)
A Psychic Fraud Investigator Weighs in on The Goop Lab - Article by Rob Palmer (February 17, 2020)