Conferences and
Other Gatherings
big and small
Four European Skeptics in Australia - written by Annika Harrison - January 20, 2023 - The European Skeptics Podcast with Claire Kroulik-Klingenberg travel to Australia to the conference and also tour several other cities.
The Greater LA Skeptics- written by Susan Gerbic - Feb 21, 2023 - Wendy Hughes - Center for Inquiry West - California Science Center - Monterey County Skeptics - Asteroid Hunters - Ross Blocher - Heather Henderson - and more
Triangle Skeptics Step Up - written by Susan Gerbic - December 21, 2022 - Susan interviews the Triangle Skeptics - Raleigh NC
CSICon 2022: Meet the First-Timers - written by Rob Palmer - November 18, 2022 - An introduction to several people attending CSICon for the first time: Odaelys Walwyn-Pollard & David Robert Grimes (two scientists and conference speakers), JD Sword (a fellow Skeptical Inquirer columnist), Wendy Hughes & Faith Rodriguez (who attended with a a large group of skeptics who play a weekly social trivia game over Zoom), Marco Benavides (an undergraduate student from Mexico City), and Carolyn Dougherty (a former paranormal enthusiast turned skeptical activist).
Social Trivia by Susan—for the Rest of Us! - written by Susan Gerbic - November 4th, 2022 - There were all kinds of ways we dealt with the pandemic lockdown; this one was unplanned but one of the most pleasant surprises I’ve encountered. It was one of my main social outlets and kept me engaged and positive.
Eugene SkeptiCamp 2022 - written by Susan Gerbic - September 14, 2022 - Oregonians for Science and Reason (O4SR) Ray Hyman, Mark Edward, Loren Pankratz, Skeptic's Toolbox, Jeanine DeNoma, Jim Underdown, Paul Slovic, Mark Crislip, Paul Bunson, Gary Mort
Everything You Need to Know About SkeptiCAL - written by Susan Gerbic - August 15, 2022 - Bay Area Skeptics (BAS), Sacramento Area Skeptics (SAS), Monterey County Skeptics (MCS), Genie Scott, Jay Diamond, Jason Bush, Edzard Ernst, Nick Little, Steve Novella, Mick West, John Cook, Kenny Biddle, Skeptics in the Metaverse, Raymond Lee, Social Trivia by Susan, Sunday Papers, Abhijit Chanda, Janyce Boynton, Joel Sahmaunt, Linda Rosa, Brian Eggo, Emery Emery, Leighann Lord, Ian Harris, Celestina Ward, Bill Nye, Isil Arican, Evan Bernstein
Susan Gerbic Back on Tour - written by Susan Gerbic - August 8, 2022 - National Capital Area Skeptics (NCAS), Philip J. Klass Award, Adrienne Hill, Chip and Grace Denman, Peter Wood, Washington DC, Spy Museum, Ford's Theatre, Nolan Williams Jr, Kelly Burke, Kenny & Donna Biddle, Robyn Blumner, Scott Snell, J.D. Mack, Triangle Skeptics, Raleigh North Carolina, Jeff Gehlbach, Faith & Ramiro Rodriguez, CFI, Buffalo, Barry Karr, Tim Binga, CFI Western New York, Julia Lavarnway, Kansas City Missouri, The Skeptical Society of St. Louis, Karl Withakay, John Russell, Secular Hub Denver
Anticipating CSICon 2022: A Video Interview with Neil deGrasse Tyson - video & article by Rob Palmer - July 15, 2022
Anticipating CSICon 2022: A Video Interview with Richard Wiseman - video & article by Rob Palmer - July 25, 2022
Anticipating CSICon 2022: A Video Interview with Kenny Biddle - video & article by Rob Palmer - July 28, 2022
Anticipating CSICon 2022: A Video Interview with Susan Gerbic - video & article by Rob Palmer - August 1, 2022 - GSoW, Skeptical Inquirer, Operation Lemon Meringue, Operation Onion Ring
Anticipating CSICon 2022: A Video Interview with Penn Jillette - video & article by Rob Palmer - August 8, 2022
Anticipating CSICon 2022: A Video Interview with Naomi Oreskes - video & article by Rob Palmer - August 10, 2022
Anticipating CSICon 2022: A Video Interview with Joseph Uscinski - video & article by Rob Palmer - August 15, 2022
Anticipating CSICon 2022: A Video Interview with Natalia Pasternak - video & article by Rob Palmer - August 18, 2022
Anticipating CSICon 2022: A Video Interview with Massimo Polidoro - video & article by Rob Palmer - August 26, 2022
Anticipating CSICon 2022: A Video Interview with Odaelys Pollard - video & article by Rob Palmer - August 30 2022
Anticipating CSICon 2022: A Video Interview with Nathan H. Lents - video & article by Rob Palmer - September 7, 2022
Anticipating CSICon 2022: A Video Interview with Timothy Caulfield - video & article by Rob Palmer - September 16, 2022
ESC in Gent – The European Skeptics Congress including Skeptics and a lot of Skeptical Fun - Written by Annika Harrison - October 7, 2019 - András Pinter interviewed about The European Skeptics Congress held in Belgium, Ovidiu Covaciu, Natalie Grams, Norbert Aust, Homeopathy Information Network (Informationsnetzwerk Homöopathie), Edzard Ernst, SKEPP, Comité Para, Stichting Skepsis, Vereniging tegen de Kwakzalverij, Claire Klingenberg, Pontus Böckman
A Festival Feeling in Augsburg: SkepKon 2019 Includes Myths about Pet Diets, Homeopathy, and Perpetual Motion Machines - Written by Annika Harrison - July 3, 2019 - Holm Hümmler, GWUP (Gesellschaft zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Parawissenschaften, German for Society for the Scientific Investigation of Parasciences), SkepKon, Bernd Harder, Claudia Preis, Anna Beniermann, Lydia Baumann, Harpo Speaks!, Norbert Aust, Christian Lübbers, Helmut Kohler, Information Network Homeopathy, Florian Aigner, Reinhard Remfort, Nicolas Wöhrl, Amardeo Sarma, Tilman Betsch, Sylvia Stang, Gerd Antes, MedWatch, Carl Sagan Prize, Inge Hüsgen, Hinnerk Feldwisch, Nicola Kuhrt, Wolfgang Aust, Stephanie Dreyfürst
So, You Want to Speak at CSICon? - Written by Rob Palmer - May 20, 2019 - An introduction to the CSICon Sunday Papers sessions, with an inside look at how YOU can become a CSICon speaker yourself.
NZ Skeptic Conference - Christchurch - 2019 - Written by Susan Gerbic - February 10, 2020 - New Zealand Skeptics, Mark Edward, Jacinta Cording, Daniel Ryan, Clive Hackett, Ernest Rutherford's Den, Channel 3 "The Project", Maree Hackett, Cara Santa Maria, David Wiltshire, Steve Novella, Skeptics Guide to the Universe (SGU), Brad MacClure, Craig Shearer, Russell Tomes, Siouxsie Wiles, Mark Honeychurch, Jonny Grady, Sheree McNatty, Jess MacFarlane, Amy Ballantyne
A Cunning Plan - Bringing Students to CSICon - Written by Susan Gerbic - February 18, 2019 - CSICon, John Anglin, Coral Academy of Science, Las Vegas, O4SR, Jeanine DeNoma, Mark Edward, Stuart Vyse, Kenny Biddle, Ron Lee
Musings on SkeptiCal at Ten - Written by Susan Gerbic - July 26, 2019 - Sacramento Area Skeptics, Bay Area Skeptics, Deborah Warcken, Arlen Grossman, Jay Diamond, Thomas Westbrook, Ray Hall, Katie Dyer, Jim Underdown, Mick West, Bill Patterson, Joey Fabian, Kernan Coleman, Peter Gleick, Lynn Rothschild, Glenn Branch, Elisabeth Bik, Skepardy!
Challenging Creationism at the Ark Encounter: An Interview with Bailey Harris - Written by Rob Palmer - December 19, 2019 - An interview with activist and CSICon speaker, 13 year-old Bailey Harris about her conference talk, as well as her visit to the Ark Encounter.
CSICon 101 - Written by Susan Gerbic - May 23, 2019 - Rosemarie Giambrone, Stirling Gerbic-Forsyth, Tracey Lonsdale-Harris, Craig Foster, Ray Hall, Kenny Biddle, Mike Jarsulic, Ross Blocher, Mark Edward, Leonard Tramiel, Rob Palmer, Brian Engler, Bill London, Jeanine DeNoma, Karl Withakay, Cathy Smith
The Dragons of CSICon - Written by Rob Palmer - July 23, 2019 - An interview with Piff the Magic Dragon about magic, his friendship with Penn & Teller, skepticism, and so much more.
Q&A with John de Lancie - Written by Rob Palmer - June 19, 2019 - An interview with actor, activist, and CSICon speaker John de Lancie -- Star Trek’s Q.
CSICon 2019: Meet the First-Timers - Written by Rob Palmer - November 13, 2019 - An introduction to several people attending CSICon for the first time: Brandi Purney (a member of the Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia team), Aedan Purney (Brandi's son, attending to meet a speaker, physicist Brian Greene), Drew McCoy (a popular YouTuber known as the Genetically Modified Skeptic), Jessica E. Tuttle (a United States Air Force Academy cadet studying the promotion of pseudoscience on social media who was one of the five speakers at the Sunday Paper session), qnd Janyce Boynton (another Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia team member who was a featured speaker on the subject of Facilitated Communications)
Homeopathy, Conspiracies & Glyphosate: The Recipe for SkepKon 2018 - Written by Susan Gerbic - June 12, 2018 - Interview with Annika Merkelbach, GWUP, Cologne, European Skeptic Podcast (ESP), SkeptikerKonferenz, Norbert Aust, Susanne Aust, Udo Endruscheit, Natalie Grams, Ralf Neugebauer, Anna Zakrisson, Axel Ebert, Lydia Benecke, Michael Marquardt, Marius Raab, Alexander Fischer, Matthias Keilich, Christian Weymayr, Sebastian Herrmann, Holm Hümmler, Uwe Kanning, Martin Mahner
GSoW in the Land of Enchantment - Written by Susan Gerbic - May 21, 2018 - Albuquerque New Mexico, New Mexicans for Science and Reason (NMSR), Squaring the Strange Podcast, Pascual Romero, Ben Radford, Celestia Ward, Matt Crowley, New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Dave Thomas, Matthew Loftus, Mark Fraser, Gabriel Shalless, Ruth Frazier, Ken Frazier, Mark Boslough
Colorado Dreaming - Written by Susan Gerbic - April 11, 2018 - Fort Collins SkeptiCamp, Mark Edward, Robyn Baxendale, Secular Society, Linda Rosa, Doug Holland, Caleb Hendrich, Howard Landman, Hans Masanetz
MCS SkeptiCamp: Bringing Skepticism to the People - Written by Susan Gerbic - March 20, 2018 - Humanist Association of Monterey Bay Area (HAMBA), Monterey County Skeptics (MCS), Kathy McKenzie, Deborah Warcken, Jill Yamashita, Glenn Church, Leonard Tramiel, Mark Edward, Arlen Grossman, Kyle Polich, Jay Diamond
Skeptical Adventures in Europe, Part 5 - Written by Susan Gerbic - March 2, 2018 - Ljubljana Slovenia, European Skeptic Podcast (ESP), András Gábor Pintér, Székesfehérvár Hungary, Budapest Hungary, László Makay, Hungarian Skeptic Society, Gábor Hraskó, European Council of Skeptical Organisations, European Skeptics Congress, Sofia Bulgaria, Liubomir Baburov, RATIO, Madrid Spain, Luis García Castro, Alternativa Racional a las Pseudociencias – Sociedad para el Avance del Pensamiento Crítico (Rational Alternative to Pseudoscience – Society for the Advancement of Critical Thinking, or ARP-SAPC, Luis García Castro, Alfonso López Borgoñoz, About Time tour
Skeptical Adventures in Europe, Part 4 - Written by Susan Gerbic - February 20, 2018 - Mark Edward, European Skeptic Podcast (ESP), András Gábor Pintér, About Time tour, Cesena Italy, CICAP FEST, Piero Angela, CSICOP, Massimo Polidoro, Teatro Bonci, Carlo Faggi, Raffaella Vitali, Pope Francis, Carol Faggi, Max Vellucci, Gianfranco Preverino, Pino Rolle, Francesco Busani, Marco Aimone, Alex Rusconi, James Randi
Skeptical Adventures in Europe, Part 3 - Written by Susan Gerbic - February 16, 2018 - About Time Tour, Mark Edward, European Skeptic Podcast (ESP), András Gábor Pintér, Liubomir Baburov, Wrocław Poland, ECSO, March for Science Göttingen, Dresden Germany, Rüdiger Ludwig, Evolutionäre Humanisten Göttingen e.V., GWUP, Holm Gero Hümmler, Annika and Scotty, European Space Agency Mission Control (ESOC), Darmstadt Germany, Mission Control, Gesellschaft zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Parawissenschaften (GWUP), Roßdorf Germany, Martin Mahner, Amardeo Sarma, Skeptiker, SkepKon, Heidelberg Castle, Natalie Grams, homeopathy, Zürich Switzerland, Skeptiker Schweiz, Marko Kovic, Jean-Marc Neuhaus, Denkfest, SkeptisCH, Frankfurt Natural History
Skeptical Adventures in Europe, Part 2 - Written by Susan Gerbic - February 9, 2018 - About Time Tour, Mark Edward, European Skeptic Podcast (ESP), András Gábor Pintér, Wrocław Poland, Prague, Leon Korteweg, Sisyfos, Diego Fontanive, Jakub Kroulik, Amardeo Sarma, Petr Jan Vinš, Gerald Ostdiek, European Council of Skeptical Organisations (ECSO), Hungarian Skeptic Society President Gábor Hraskó, Klub Sceptyków Polskich (KSP), Tomasz Witkowski, Andrzej Gregosiewicz, Wojciech Pisula, Maciej Zatoński, Adam Wierzbicki, Český klub skeptiků (Sisyfos), Urszula Zadorożna, Konrad Talmont-Kamiński, Gerald Ostdiek, Petr Jan Vinš, Leo Igwe, Mariusz Błochowiak, Konrad Szołajski, Jakub Kroulík. Chris French, Exorcisms, Ovidiu Covaciu, Sofie Vanthournout, Eran Segev, Mark Lynas, Marcin Rotkiewicz, Tomáš Moravec, Deborah Hyde, Holm Gero Hümmler, and an interview with James “The Amaz!ng” Randi by Massimo Polidoro, Egzorcysta (Exorcism), Konrad Szołajski, Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia (GSoW), March for Science , Adam Kumiszcza , Kaja Bryx, Jacek Tabisz, Claire Klingenberg, Pontus Böckman, Catherine de Jong, Michael Heap, Amardeo Sarma, Tim Trachet, Paola De Gobbi, Eran Segev, Racjonalista.TV, Polish Sceptics Club
A Report from the Inaugural NYC SpeedyCamp - Written by Rob Palmer - July 20, 2018 - A first hand report from the New York City Skeptics’ very first SpeedyCamp.
Skeptical Adventures in Europe, Part 1 - Written by Susan Gerbic - February 8, 2018 - About Time Tour, Mark Edward, Oslo Norway, Scandinavia, Skepsis, Norwegian skeptics, CSICOP, Asbjørn Dyrendal, Erik Tunstad, Arnfinn Pettersen, Terje Emberland, Bjørn Are Davidsen, Kritisk Mass (Critical Mass), Saltklypa podcast (A grain of salt), Bendik Simonsen, Kristin Charlotte Carlsson, Jørgen Tinglum Bøckman, Leisha Camden, Marit Simonsen, Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia project (GSoW), Lisa Williams, Stockholm, Malmö Sweden, Föreningen Vetenskap och Folkbildning (VOF), Peter Olausson, Pontus Böckman, Christer Fuglesang, Copenhagen Denmark, The Network of Independent Danish Skeptics, Steen Svanholm, Claus Larsen, 911facts.dk, Carina Marie Rose
CSICon 2018: Meet the First-Timers - Written by Rob Palmer - November 27, 2018 - An introduction to several people attending CSICon for the first time: Claus Larsen (Sunday Paper presenter and co-creator of a website tackling 9/11 Truther claims), Magdalena de Góralska (a PhD candidate from Poland researching the spread of fake news), Thomas Westbrook (a popular atheist and skeptical activist YouTuber), Ada McVean (a Canadian undergrad student/science communicator who went on to write for Skeptical Inquirer), and Jeff Gehlbach (a GSoW team member).
2017 O4SR Scholarship Winners for CSICon - Written by Susan Gerbic - April 25, 2018 - Oregonians for Science and Reason (O4SR), Jeanine DeNoma, James Rodriguez, Zachary Silvey, Daniel Breitmayer
CSICon Sunday Papers 2017 - Written by Susan Gerbic - March 29, 2018 - Charles Wynn, Fred Nour, Craig Foster, Rodney Schmaltz, Nicole Wenckowski, William London, Parul Chouhan, Karl Withakay
The Experience of Experiencing Eclipse People Watching - Written by Susan Gerbic - September 22, 2017 - Andrew Fraknoi, Skeptic's Toolbox, Herb Masters, Bay Area Skeptics, CSIcon, Jeanine & John DeNoma, Oregonians for Science and Reason (O4SR), Monmouth Oregon, Deborah Warcken, Cherry City Skeptics, Jayson Merkley, Susan Lancaster, Robert Lancaster, Mick West, Corvallis Oregon, Paula Lauterbach
CSICon Photo Tribute to James Randi - Written by Susan Gerbic - December 5, 2017 - Independent Investigation Group (IIG), Amaz!ng Meeting (TAM 9 From Outer Space), George Hrab, Brian Engler, Karl Withakay, Kenny Biddle, Paula Lauterbach
SkeptiCal 2017 - Written by Susan Gerbic - March 20, 2018 - Shattuck Hotel, Berkeley, Brian Dunning, Bay Area Skeptics, Eugenie Scott, Marty Klein, Edward Wasserman, Andrew Fraknoi, Judith Horstman, Luigi Anzivino, Kernan Coleman
Photography Nerds Discuss CSICon - Written by Susan Gerbic - April 13, 2017 - CSICon, Karl Withakay, Brian Engler, WikiMedia Commons
Local Skeptical Outreach & Activism: Monterey County SkeptiCamp - Written by Susan Gerbic - February 3, 2017- SkeptiCamp, Arlen Grossman, Reed Esau, Humanist Association of the Monterey Bay Area (HAMBA), Ben Radford, Gary Griggs, Glenn Church, Kyle Polich, David Paulides, Missing 411, Robin Welch, Leonard Tramiel
Puzzling World – NZ - Written by Susan Gerbic - August 25, 2017 - Wanaka New Zealand, Stuart Landsborough, NZ Skeptics, Queenstown, Jerry Andrus, Richard Saunders, Denis Duton, Mark Hana, Daniel Ryan, Siouxsie Wiles, Craig Shearer
Looking Back at the 2016 New Zealand Skeptics Conference - Written by Susan Gerbic - August 24, 2017 - Queenstown New Zealand, NZ Skeptics, NCSCICOP, Friends of Science and Reason (Southland Invercargill Skeptics), Brad MacClure, Sheree McNatty, Chrissie MacClure, Helen Adair, Mark Honeychurch, Loretta Marron, Mark Bryan, Richard Saunders, The Skeptic Zone, Andrew Digby, Tania Lineham, Julie & Harald Berents, Felicity Goodyear-Smith, Scott Kennedy, Stuart Landsborough, Wanaka New Zealand, Mark Hanna, Catherine Low
Skeptic from Czech Republic Checks Out CSICon - Written by Susan Gerbic - March 23, 2017 - Claire Klingenberg - Czech Skeptics’ Club Sisyfos, QED, European Skeptics Congress, European Council of Skeptical Organisations (ECSO), Leon Korteweg, Manchester England, James Randi, George Hrab, Skeptikon in the Czech Republic
Susan Gerbic talks with Katie Dyer about her CSICon Experience - Written by Susan Gerbic - February 24, 2017 - CSICon 2016, Excalibur Hotel, The Amaz!ng Meeting (TAM)
Susan Gerbic talks with Bob Knaier about his CSICon Experience - Written by Susan Gerbic - February 21, 2017 - CSICon 2016, Sunday Papers
From Chemtrails to CSICon: An Interview with Mick West - Written by Susan Gerbic - February 10, 2017 - CSICon 2016, Metabunk, Sunday Papers, Chemtrails, Elizabeth Loftus, Anthony Pratkanis, Joe Nickell, Richard Dawkins
CSICon Las Vegas: “Go for the speakers, return for the people - Written by Susan Gerbic - December 1, 2016 - CSICon, Kendrick Frazier, James Randi, Stephanie Guttormson, Ronald Lindsay, Eugenie Scott, Richard Dawkins, Jim Underdown, Hunter Perrin, Jay Diamond, Zombie Trump, Stef McGraw, Angie Mattke, George Hrab, Harriet hall, Kevin Folta, Ray Hall
Let’s Bring More Students to CSICon - Written by Susan Gerbic - December 21, 2016 - Excalibur Casino, Oregonians for Science and Reason (O4SR), Michael Sieler, Courtney Shannon, Jeanine DeNoma, John DeNoma, Ray Hyman, Skeptic’s Toolbox
Fifteen Minutes of Skepticism: The Sunday Papers, An interview with Jay Diamond - Written by Susan Gerbic - September 27, 2016 - Sunday papers, body building, CSICon, The Amaz!ng Meeting (TAM), James Randi, Martha Keller, Shane Greenup, TAM9, Andrew Hansford, The Marblehead UFO
From TAM to CSICon: An Interview with Ray Hall and Katie Dyer - Written by Susan Gerbic - September 22, 2016 - Sunday papers, CSICon, The Amaz!ng Meeting (TAM), James Randi
Report From SkeptiCal, the Northern California Science and Skepticism Conference - Written by Susan Gerbic - June 27, 2016 - Bay Area Skeptics, Eugenie Scott, Sacramento Area Skeptics, Frank Mosher, Greg Dorais, Lauren Camp, Carolyn Porco, David Diskin, Steve Silberman, Jeff Sheehy, Jerry Schwarz, Indre Viskontas, Debra Berliner, Henry Gilbert, Ryan Kane
Adventures in SkeptiCamp - Written by Susan Gerbic - June 16, 2016 - Monterey County Skeptics (MCS), Jay Diamond, Deborah Warken, Kathy McKenzie, Kyle Polich, Nitin Tomar, Glenn Church, Mark Folsom, Mark Edward
The Wikipediatrician’s Whirlwind Australian Tour - Written by Susan Gerbic - January 11, 2016 - Ross Balch, Brisbane Skeptics, Australian Skeptics, Mordi Skeptics, Mordialloc Australia, Laaunceston Tasmania, Victoria Skeptics, Melbourne Australia, Canberra Australia, Joe Nickell, Hong Kong Skeptics, Dongguan Skeptics China, Michelle Franklin, The Skeptic magazine, James Randi, SkeptiCamp, Tim Harding, Chris Guest, Dave Hawkes, Maureen Chuck, Nick Andrew, James Fodor, Richard Saunders, Angie Mattke, Mal Vickers, Peter Ellerton, Jake Farr-Wharton, Signe Cane, John Cook, James C. Coyne, Holly Warland, Theo Clark, Brian Schmidt, Mel Thomson, Ketan Joshi, Myles Power, Cassandra Perryman, Eugenie Scott, Loretta Marron, Lynne Kelly, Alison Gaylard, Eran Segev, Jo Alabaster, Greg Neilson, Monica Quijano, Svetlana Bavykina
Susan Gerbic Reports on the 2014 Skeptics Toolbox- Written by Susan Gerbic - November 13, 2014 - CSI, Eugene Oregon, Ray Hyman, Harriet Hall, Jim Alcock, Lindsay Beyerstein, Richard Wackrow, Jerry Schwarz, Jim Underdown, In the Trenches Award, Oregonians for Science and Reason (O4SR), Herb Masters
Two decades of skepticism in Hungary: A personal view - Written by András G. Pintér - January 22, 2015 - Székesfehérvár Hungary, James Randi, Budapest, Szeged Hungary, chemophobia, Mihály Beck, Gyula Bencze, György Ádám, János Szentágothai, Hungarian Skeptic Society, European Skeptics Congress, European Council of Skeptical Organizations, Károly Härtlein, Gábor Hraskó, István Vágó, Hungarian Freethinkers, Tényeket Tisztelők Társasága, Zsolt Boldogkői, Aurél Ponori-Thewrewk, Iván Almár, Mihály Beck, Gyula Bencze, János Szentágothai, Iván Almár, Károly Härtlein - Same article in Hungarian - A szkepticizmus két évtizede Magyarországon – Személyes vélemény
Guerrilla Skepticism Visits the Center for Inquiry - written by Susan Gerbic - August 15, 2013 - Center for Inquiry, CFI, Ruth Hurmence Green, Robert Ingersoll, Vashti McCollum, Lauren Becker, Lei Pinter, Tom Flynn, Frederick Green, Center for Inquiry's student leadership conference
CFI Summit: Impressions - Written by Susan Gerbic - March 2013 - Jeff and Jon Taylor-Kantz, Suzi Beyerstein, Ray Hyman, Jim Underdown, Jeanine DeNoma, Herb Masters, CSI, Eugene Scott, Zack Kopplin, Katherine Stewart, Atheism, Debbie Goddard, Joe Nickell, Brian Engler, Harriet Hall, Lindsay Beyerstein, Skeptic's Toolbox, Point of Inquiry